外资(非欧美) 50-150人 制药/生物工程
外资(非欧美) 50-150人 制药/生物工程
Our facility located in the Shanghai Chemical Industry Park (SCIP), on 39,410 m2 land, is a fully self-supported GMP compliant development and production site. Designed for large scale manufacturing of raw materials, intermediates and API, the three-floor 2,500 m2 plant is equipped with 11 reactors, segregated into 4 separate suites and has reactor capacities from 500 L to 8000 L. One of the suites is capable of manufacturing highly potent chemicals up to category 3. The facility's analytical capabilities allow GMP product release as well as analytical support for development activities.Supported through technology transfer and teams from Switzerland, the Shanghai site benefits of CARBOGEN AMCIS' knowledge, expertise and training program. With an international team of highly qualified specialists, the facility can provide efficient and scalable solutions to customers around the world.卡博金艾美斯医药(上海)有限公司于2006年在上海化学工业园区成立,投资总额为1920万美元,公司总部位于印度,在全球拥有数十家子公司,是一个提供无限创意及全球化策略的公司,卡博金艾美斯医药(上海)有限公司向您提供良好的职业发展机会,独特的企业文化让我们重视创意、鼓励创新,并且非常注重个人领导能力。所有的这些共同造就了我们“高品质的化学品”。如今,我们在寻求致力于在化学领域开创领导事业的各类英才。我们向员工提供的不仅仅是优厚的薪资和福利待遇,还有非常广阔的个人发展空间。 公司注重员工的开发和培训,并提供良好的员工福利。